This week, we’re shining the spotlight on Mark Steenbarger, a screenwriter who brings his background in theater, improv, and comedy to the world of filmmaking. With a passion for creating authentic stories and a unique ability to turn everyday experiences into thought-provoking narratives, Mark is a true moment-maker.
From exploring themes like consent and avoidance, to collaborating with his cast for organic dialogue, Mark’s work pushes boundaries and inspires transformation.
Read his interview as we uncovered his creative process, challenges, and the magic behind his five-minute films!
- What first inspired you to start screenwriting, and how has your journey evolved over time?
Coming from both a stage and improv background - I got fascinated by creating moments via film that you can't create on a live stage and how that impacts dialogue. Writing screenplays became a 'next level' form of script writing for me. The journey has evolved in finding creative ways to engage the cast to owning their character and filling in some of the dialogue themselves. To bring more of an organic influence, gave us spaces where we can improvise where dialogue is too difficult to write out line by line.
- What project are you currently working on? What excites you most about it?
Two short films around consent and avoidance. Some of the things we do to "protect" ourselves can actually put us in harm’s way. I'm very excited to take something abstract like consent - where situations have changed from a non-verbal agreement. How do we identify that so we can set up boundaries and increase our voice and agency? With Avoidance - that journey has revealed in my own life the little things I avoid - and how it's robbing me of joy, peace, and happiness in minute ways - doing this film will hopefully allow others to identify it and make healthy changes.
- Do you have a favorite story you've written, why?
Each story is truly its own living thing. I am surprised how different each one feels even though the process is so similar. We have 12 so far and there is something I love about each one - a moment or a gesture or a shot that sits alone from the others.
- Has SoCreate shaped the way you write?
Yes - it has unlocked the ability to remain visually in the moment - what am I seeing - what are the characters seeing - without feeling I'm just typing in a document. Allowing my cast to participate is made possible because of SoCreate's features - making our screenplays tighter and more authentic.
- Do you have any specific routines, rituals, or habits that help you stay creative?
We meet weekly to review our concept - to discuss the minutia - and our runtime is only 5 minutes. We'll spend three months or more just brainstorming, shaping, tweaking the concept - this keeps us all creative and connected - as a writing team.
- What does your typical writing process look like, from concept to final draft?
We get a solid concept - that has 8 steps we follow to go from big idea to a very specific concept - which is almost a description - like a one-page treatment of sorts that has varying levels of detail in it. Sometimes it includes very specific dialogue - other times it speaks to a general activity that will be happening. From there we share it with others to get their fresh look and take and see if there is anything that can be improved - to make it more authentic or more engaging. Then we start writing the dialogue in SoCreate - and after that, we get together and do line-throughs to flush out the dialogue heard out loud - finally the day before shoot day we'll block everything and the next day film our 5-minute film. Sometimes if locations are too far apart, we break the film days into two.
- How do you handle writer’s block or moments when inspiration is hard to find?
Stay consistent. Think about it when not in front of the keyboard. Having a team makes the world of difference. Watch other films - note what works and what doesn't - then ask why. I screen for a film festival to gain these insights and creative capacity.
- What has been the most challenging part of your writing journey, and how did you overcome it?
Trying to capture it all - sometimes a great bit hits you while driving - or in a conversation but capturing it becomes elusive. Keep things with you always and always text yourself (what I do) or write it down so you don't lose the moment. It will escape you.
- What do you love about SoCreate?
The layout the flow and the collaborative support - I can put my actual actor's picture in there and it just brings the process to life.
- What is your ultimate goal as a screenwriter?
Continue to make authentic films that move the viewer to encounter themselves in fresh new ways.
- What advice would you give to other screenwriters looking to connect with a platform or community like SoCreate?
More is better - a handful more - there is a tipping point but getting 4-5 people to co-create with you is going to give you the best work.
- What’s the best piece of writing advice you’ve ever received, and how has it shaped your work?
Show-don't tell. How can dialogue be the last thing the viewer needs for this moment to make sense? How can we say this visually instead?
- Can you share a little about how you grew up and where you came from?
Grew up in central Indiana. From recording on VHS to creating a "movie" (no editing) - I then became a moment maker by pursuing community theatre, improv, and stand-up comedy. Finally, in 2019 I saw the power of film and how my learning in front of the audience can help me behind the camera and in the editing room. I love creating moments for people through short narrative films.
- How has your personal background or experience influenced the kinds of stories you tell?
I've had a relatively trauma-free life - no exploitation, no abuse. I'm so thankful to be living in freedom from those events. I also believe we can heal if we have had those experiences. Film can literally change how we think - the cognitive dissonance is truly healing, and we can help our beliefs that once protected us change to allow us to be healed.
Thank you Mark for being this week's SoCreate Member Spotlight! Here is Mark alongside his cast and writing team.