Screenwriting Blog

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Character Daydream
Writing Exercise

Character Daydream: A Five-Minute Meditation Technique for Screenwriters to Develop Characters

As screenwriters, developing compelling and multi-dimensional characters is crucial for creating engaging stories. However, the process can sometimes feel daunting, especially when faced with distractions and writer’s block. Enter the "Character Daydream," a five-minute meditation technique designed specifically for screenwriters. This innovative method helps writers focus, visualize, and develop their characters in a deep and meaningful way. In this blog, we’ll explore how this technique works and how it can enhance your character development process. Continue reading
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  • SoCreate Team
Internship Opportunities
For Screenwriters

Screenwriting Internships

Internship Alert! There are SO many more remote opportunities for film industry internships than ever before. Are you looking for internships this fall? If you can earn college credit, there may be an opportunity here for you. SoCreate is not affiliated with the following internship opportunities. Please direct all questions to the email address provided for each internship listing. Do you want to list an internship opportunity? Comment below with your listing and we'll add it to our page with the next update! Continue reading
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  • Courtney Meznarich
I Finished My Screenplay, What's Next?
Finding a Manager

I Finished My Screenplay, What's Next: Finding a Manager

After completing your first screenplay the next thing you dream about is getting your story turned into a movie. Oftentimes it is easy to think that you need an Agent for that, but really you should be looking for a Manager. I like to say, you find the manager, the agent finds you. So what does that even mean? I am sure one of the most googled questions for new screenwriters is ... Continue reading
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  • Tyler M. Reid

6 Reasons Why SoCreate is the Best Free Screenwriting Software for Aspiring Writers

In the world of screenwriting, having the right tools can make all the difference. Aspiring writers often seek free screenwriting software to help them bring their stories to life without breaking the bank. Enter SoCreate, a standout option that not only offers a robust free plan but also provides a pathway to powerful, professional features. Let’s explore why ... Continue reading
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  • Courtney Meznarich
I Finished My Screenplay, What's Next?
Finding a Producer

I Finished My Screenplay, What's Next: Finding a Producer

After you finish your first screenplay you will probably think one of two things: “I need an Agent” or “I want to sell my screenplay”. An agent is great at helping you get your screenplay sold, but without first selling or having a produced screenplay, you are not going to find an agent. Now I understand this feels like a crazy catch 22, so this is where finding a producer comes in ... Continue reading
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  • Tyler M. Reid
I Finished My Screenplay, What's Next?
Making the Film Myself

I Finished My Screenplay, What's Next: Making the Film Myself

It is not uncommon for writers to want to be directors or for directors to write their own screenplays. Turning your own writing into your own film is one of the fastest routes to get recognized both as a writer and a director. The reason for this is because you have control over what is happening with your writing next. For instance, if you send your screenplay to a manager, IF they take you ... Continue reading
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  • Tyler M. Reid
Let's Write a Screenplay in 2024!
Weekly Challenges to Help You Write Your Script

Let's Write a Screenplay in 2024! Weekly Challenges to Complete Your Script

Here we are, week 1 of 52 in this new year. What will you do with your time this year? If you answered “write a screenplay,” we’re thrilled! And we’ve got a special series to help you accomplish this goal. Starting this week, we’re going to walk you through writing a screenplay, step by step, using SoCreate. With a bit of work each week, you’ll have a finished script by the end of 2024, and possibly sooner. Sounds great, right? And what’s better? We’re all going to cheer each other on and help over in the SoCreate Screenwriting Facebook Group. Join it now. Continue reading
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  • Courtney Meznarich

Navigating the Film Industry:

A Guide to Connecting with Producers for Emerging Screenwriters

Navigating the Film Industry: A Guide to Connecting with Producers for Emerging Screenwriters

As someone who has tread the often unpredictable waters of the film industry, I’ve gathered some insights that I believe could serve as a compass for emerging screenwriters looking to make their mark. The journey from concept to screen is filled with challenges, and one of the first hurdles is connecting with the right producers. Here’s a distilled essence of my own experiences and research, aimed at demystifying this crucial step. Continue reading
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  • Tyler M. Reid

Besides Your Screenplay, What Else Do You Need?

Breaking Down the Logline, Synopsis, and Treatment

Besides Your Screenplay, What Else Do You Need?

Your screenplay is your main product, and yes you should think of it as a product because someone is buying it at some point from you. If your screenplay is your main product, how do you go about selling that product? That is how you should think about your Logline, Synopsis, and/or Treatment (I’ll explain why And or Or a little bit later). These items give you a glimpse and ... Continue reading
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  • Tyler M. Reid

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SoCreate: Your secret to screenwriting success!

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It's SoCreate's mission to unite the world through storytelling.

We will achieve this mission by creating the simplest, yet most powerful screenwriting software the world has ever seen.  We believe that delivering the world's stories through the vehicle of screenwriting will facilitate the most diverse and compelling stream of movies and television ever imagined. 

At SoCreate we make it FUN and EASY for storytellers around the world to transform their unique ideas into TV or movie scripts. It's just that simple!

Our Core Values

  • Always Put the Writer First

    Always Put
    the Storyteller First

  • Keep it Simple

    it Simple

  • Focus on the Details

    Focus on
    the Details

  • Be Deliberate


  • Work Hard, Be Smart, and Do What's Right

    Work Hard, Be Smart,
    and Do What's Right

  • Remember, there's Always Another Way

    Remember, there's
    Always Another Way

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