Screenwriting Blog
Posted on by Courtney Meznarich

Why It’s Important to Stay Inspired, Even if You’re Not Selling Any Screenplays

It is HARD to keep going when you’ve been knocked down. You can read as many inspirational quotes as you can find, but it’s never as easy as just getting back up again.

That’s why I loved this advice from writer, podcaster, and filmmaker Bryan Young. He’s a regular over at, Syfy, and His advice is less heart and more head. This is advice you can keep in your back pocket as a reminder that it’s not always if, but when.

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“Even if you haven’t sold a screenplay, you need to stay inspired because the fact of the matter is that there are more screenplays being written than there are being made."

Journalist and Screenwriter Bryan Young

But how? Let him explain.

“What you need to understand is that the market is a representation of what movie studios and independent producers think they’ll be able to sell, not necessarily what’s the most artistically satisfying.”

Ding! For some reason, this makes rejection easier to swallow, in my opinion. It’s not you (writer), it’s me (buyer). And, it works for a lot of rejection scenarios, not just screenwriting. Ok, now I can get back up again!

“Once you’ve written that screenplay, you have it forever,” he added, meaning it’s never a waste of time to write something that you believe in.

“Sometimes those trends that are present in your screenplay that aren’t right for now, might come around five years from now or ten years from now, and as you’ve built a career and you deal with an agent, they’re going to say, ‘What else have you got?’ And you’ve got this trunk full of gold that you can hand them and say, ‘Oh boy, I have something for you.’ So, there’s always something you can do with it even if you have to sit on it for a while.”

Just keep writing and filling that trunk of yours,

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