Screenwriting Blog
Posted on by Courtney Meznarich

SoCreate’s 1-Page Script Contest Winner Says Prize is the Jumpstart He Needed

After a slight delay at the United Kingdom’s customs depot, our grand prize package has arrived at screenwriter Chris Dudley’s front door, all the way in London! Dudley won first place in SoCreate’s first-ever “Get Writing” One-Page Screenplay competition, which concluded this past March. His entry “Demotivated” had our team laughing out loud, AND it impressed our judges Jeanne V. Bowerman (Script Mag, #ScriptChat) and Doug Richardson (Bad Boys, Die Hard 2, Hostage).

SoCreate swag prizes

“[It] feels great to be motivated to write again, and all it took was learning that I was objectively the best at it and that it would be irresponsible to deny the world my gifts”

Dudley tweeted upon learning he won the competition. It was an appropriate response, given his screenplay was all about the factors that leave writers feeling unmotivated. You can read his winning screenplay here!

For winning first place out of more than 500 entries, Dudley received the ultimate writer’s prize package: a brand-new Microsoft Surface Pro, a Surface Mouse, a Surface Pen, a SoCreate laptop backpack, a SoCreate neck pillow, a “Writers Are SoCool” t-shirt, a SoCreate Yeti mug, a $50 Starbucks Gift Card and more.

“It's such an amazing bundle,” he added. “Thank you all again, I had a lot of fun setting up the Surface. This really will have a huge impact for me going forward. I have a long commute and being able to write on the train and on my break at work is a real gamechanger.”

And the prize package really is already motivating Dudley to write more. Within a couple of weeks of receiving his laptop, he tweeted he was

“finishing up my first pilot of 2019 on the new Surface, courtesy of @SoCreate. Still can't believe they picked my script as the Get Writing 2019 winner, but I'm worried if I question it too much, they'll realize their mistake and take it away. Thanks again, SoCreate, it's amazing.”

“You really won man! I love seeing you chasing the dream,”

“Keep on pushing! With your humor and wit, it's just a matter of hard work, time, and perseverance before we see your name in lights. We’re fans at SoCreate and we can't wait to see what you do. Keep on writing it baby!”

Motivating writers is our number one goal at SoCreate, so we feel like the real winners here!

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