Team Blog
Posted on by Alli Unger

SoCreate Movie Day - Surprise Trip To See Star Wars: The Last Jedi

Last Friday started out like any normal day here at SoCreate. Our team came in that morning, some with coffee in hand, and headed to their desks to get to work on our SoCreate platform. The first few hours passed by as they usually do. At 10am, our team headed to the conference room for our daily stand-up meeting where we share what we've been working on over the last day and our progress on projects.


At the end of our stand-up meeting, our CEO, Justin Couto, announced that this was no regular Friday--instead of our normal daily routine, we were hitting the movies to see the premier of the new Star Wars: The Last Jedi! Everyone was so excited! What a great way to end the week.

We all could hardly focus on work for the next 30 minutes as we waited to pack up our cars and head to the movies. Even the dedicated Star Wars fans on our team, who had already been to the midnight premier just under 12 hours ago, were anxious to get going.

At 11:00am, we locked up the office and drove over to the Downtown Centre Cinema. Since Justin had already purchased our tickets and reserved our team a whole row, all we had to do was show up!

SoCreate team sits in the theater

We filed into the dark theater and found our SoCreate row. Before we knew it, the lights faded off, and we were ready to roll! Cue the light blue text "A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away…" and then *BAH* STAR WARS VIII: The Last Jedi. The famous title sequence we all know too well.

Over the next 2 hours and 33 minutes, our team enjoyed the next action-packed, drama-filled, and fun piece in the Star Wars saga. When the movie was over, we headed downtown to have some lunch at The Habit. Our team spent the entire lunch chatting and breaking down scenes and sharing opinions about the newest Star Wars film. 

Perhaps the best part about our movie day outings is that they qualify as research in our industry! Work away from work. Like well-known screenwriter, Scott Myers says in his blog… "Go to the movies!"

"One of the most important ways you can learn the craft of screenwriting is by watching movies. Studying them. Breaking them down sequence by sequence, scene by scene."

And that is exactly what we did. This trip was truly the perfect way to end the week! It is always nice to take a quick break from the normal work day and spend some time outside of the office with our teammates. A huge thank you again to Justin for this awesome surprise! 

May the force be with you... always!

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