Development Blog
Posted on by Alli Unger

SoCreate Announces Release Of Playground For Angular V2

SoCreate is extremely excited and proud to announce the release of Playground for Angular, v2! Revamped and ready to rock!

Just five months after the launch of our original open-source Playground for Angular application in May, we have released an updated version of the sandbox tool that features an improved user interface, updated documentation, and even better performance. 

Are you a developer? Do you build applications with Angular? Are you using Playground for Angular? If you're not, then you definitely should!

Angular Playground by SoCreate

What Is Playground for Angular? 

If you are not familiar with our sandbox application, Playground for Angular is an open-source tool that was created by our team here at SoCreate that allows developers to build and work components in isolation independent of a full application. 

Why Should I Add Playground for Angular to My Developer Toolbox? 

  • Store and Quickly Access Your Components in ANY State.

    Stage your components with different inputs/outputs, data, mark-ups and styles, and then access each state effortlessly the next time you need to work on it. 

  • Build and Edit Your Individual Components in Isolation.

    Work on specific components of your application without having to load the entire application. 

  • Easily Document All Of Your Components.

    Embed staged components within your documentation, whether it's an external style guide, a visual component library, or an entire design system. Each change to a component will be instantly reflected in your documentation.

  • Why Not?

    Playground for Angular can greatly increase your productivity and improve your workflow. The application is easy to set-up, so WHY NOT give it a try?

How Has Playground for Angular Improved Day-to-Day Tasks for SoCreate Developers? 

Since the release of the original version of Playground for Angular, our developer team's productivity has greatly increased! Before this post, I had the chance to sit down and chat with 3 of our SoCreate team members about how they use  Playground for Angular and how it has changed the way that they work.

What's New in V2 That I Didn't Have in V1?

Some things that you will find in Version 2 that were not available in Version 1 are: 

An updated user interface.

  • Our menu UI got a total make-over. It's now much easier to see and find what you need.

  • Our search has improved for finding components. The new search prioritizes your result set rather than alphabetizing it, making it easier to quickly locate a component. 

  • The new Sandbox Quick Toggle tool allows you to easily flip between scenarios. Holding ALT hides the search menu, allowing you to quickly cycle through each scenario.

Faster load times.

  • Unlike the original, version 2 does individual packaging of components rather than all components from the application.

  • The new version will micro-bundle each sandbox individually so refresh times are reduced.

Better documentation.

  • The updated Playground documentation should help you get up and running even faster.

  • The "How To" section on our home page is equipped with some great tips for navigating and developing in the Playground. 

So, if you are a developer using Angular and are looking to improve your productivity, you should definitely check out Playground for Angular, v2!

Here at SoCreate, it is our mission to provide the best tools possible for all the communities that we care about and are involved in - whether it be our SoCreate platform writers' community or our Playground's developer community. We are SO excited to provide you with this awesome tool!

A huge thank you to our team for all of the hard work that they put in every day to make Playground the absolute best it can be. 

Get your code on! 

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