Development Blog
Posted on by Courtney Meznarich

NG of NG: SoCreate Gets a Lesson on What’s New with Angular v8

SoCreate super-intern Tim Stoddard made his second appearance at our monthly Lunch Meet team-led learning series, to give us a look at new features in the next generation of Angular, version 8. Tim’s an expert on Angular, having presented on behalf of SoCreate at the #NG Conference in April, the world’s original conference on Angular in Salt Lake City, Utah. So, we were eager to learn from him while we chowed down on catered Chipotle lunch!

SoCreate super-intern Tim Stoddard made his second appearance at our monthly Lunch Meet team-led learning series

Tim covered several of the main features of version 8 of the Angular framework:

  • Differential loading

  • A detailed look at how the new Ivy renderer works

  • An overview of the in-progress Bazel build system

  • The breaking changes that came with this release

Want to see his entire presentation? You can view it here. Tim’s presentation at the 2019 #NG Conference on SoCreate’s open source project Angular Playground is also available below for your viewing pleasure!

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