Development Blog
Posted on by Courtney Meznarich

It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like … Beta 1!

Christmas came early for the SoCreate team this past month. During our monthly all-hands meeting, our founder Justin Couto unveiled the latest version of SoCreate, and let me tell you … it is SO. MUCH. FUN. While I’ve seen the software and all we have planned for it plenty of times before, SoCreate is now at a place where we can play with it, and so far, it is everything we’d hoped it would be and more. That means Beta 1 is closer than ever.

SoCreate Beta1 Logo padding all around

Perhaps the most fun thing about SoCreate Screenwriting Software is how easy it makes writing. You can’t help but want to tap the keyboard as soon as you see it, and Jami Lurock, Chief Engineer at SoCreate, is proof. Consider him the grinch of writing; he HATES it. Perhaps loathe is more appropriate. But even he found himself a storyteller as soon as the web app was ready to use. He called it … wait for it … “really fun.” And to no one’s surprise, kids absolutely love the software, too. Justin’s kids let their imaginations run wild on it, and they’ve begged dad to use the platform every night since. We’ve got something big on our hands.

There’s still work to do to get SoCreate to a place where we’re ready to unleash it on the creative minds of the world. We promised a bigger, better experience than anything on the market today, and we’re going to keep that promise by making dang sure that this platform is in perfect shape. Storytelling will be easier than ever before, and turning your extraordinary ideas into a properly formatted screenplay will be a breeze. But even better, SoCreate is going to inspire you, and so many people who never thought they’d be writers, to take your creativity to new heights and share your stories with the world. We can’t wait to experience the stories that people around the globe will build with SoCreate, from imaginative little ones to I-hate-writing-engineers and beyond.

COVID and so many other obstacles have been put in our way, but we’ve jumped over or worked through them all, and SoCreate is so close we can (quite literally) touch it. As we head into the last quarter of the year, more than 20,000 of you are waiting to get your hands on the software, and we think about you every single day as we continue building. We’d be remiss if we didn’t say THANK YOU for your patience and for sticking with us as we plug away. Know that everything we’re doing here is for you.

SoCreate is coming, and the wait will be totally worth it. Like a kid on Christmas eve, we just need to wait a little bit longer!

Visions of sugarplums,

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