发表于 撰稿人 考特尼·梅兹纳里奇(Courtney Meznarich)




I should win so I can bring my 15 years of comedy work that blends Chaplin, Bugs Bunny and Jackie Chan into a female driven screenplay that embraces women of all ages, colors, and sexual orientations while blending of the worlds of Rodeo Queens and Harry Potter.

Wendy Seyb

I would love to win SoCreate's Screenwriter Stimulus for the opportunity to share my process as a writer who examines the complexities and ironies of identity through the spiritual act of storytelling (with jokes!) while creating space for my writing as a stay-at-home mom who is stuck at home (high-risk) with two young kids under 3 and a very busy creative husband (also high-risk!) during a global pandemic.

Rhiannon Ciara Vaughn

She has stories, fire and desire.

Oluwadamilare Oyefeso

I had to take a pay cut because of the pandemic so I’ve been too stressed to write. This money could help me pay bills and clear my head so I can focus on writing.

Mika White

I believe, that above all, Black people deserve joy; which is the reason that I write comedy and am currently finishing The Jackson Family BBQ.

Nicholas Bouier

Writing has always been a source of joy and excitement for me, and right now I am in desperate need of some space to get that joy back.

Matthew Pinkney

Because this isn't just a job for me, I truly love creating complex characters and worlds.

Khadijah Iman Holgate

I should win SoCreate's Screenwriter Stimulus because after being diagnosed with COVID, being furloughed until 2021, and the virus triggering a preexisting condition, I want to do something really special for my fiance this Christmas.

Tobi Sigona

I live on a mountaintop in the middle of nowhere with a wife and two kids - YOU try getting time in to both work and write!

Kevin Perkins

I'm the head of a small creative writing podcast network and will immediately use any stimulus money to fund passion projects by myself and other startup writers, voice actors and audio editors.

Josh Denty

I’m a young, Black writer who merges absurdism and realism to tell impactful, long-lasting stories, and voices like mine need to be heard right now.

Kemari Bryant

I'm a Latino filmmaker that won three awards for my short films in the Audfest film festival. I've always had a passion to make movies having little to no money. I pushed myself to get through film school with high honors.

Joseph Quiles

I left seminary in April 2019 with $200 and a one way ticket home, and I moved to Hollywood to fulfill my dream of becoming a professional writer!

Jeff Grdina

I deserve this wonderful opportunity because my screenplay will empower people and help them feel human again in these stressful, unsure times.

Hisani P. DuBose

My stories center the experiences of queer black women and those stories deserve to take the front seat in 2020 and beyond.

Janaya Greene

I’m on a mission to master the craft of screenwriting and this stimulus would enable me to take several more courses on the craft.

Amie Darboe

I broke my back and caught COVID, but I’m still here and need to pay bills.

Jason Elia

I've been writing short-form video content scripts for BuzzFeed since 2019 and would like to take a break to write about something that truly inspires me.

Amanda Alvich

One sentence, one shot, one chance, one person, one year unlike any other, one impression, one wonders what you're looking for but maybe it's me.

Dan Goodsell

I am a hard-working immigrant to the US striving to advocate for racial & gender equality through heartfelt & imaginative storytelling!

Ginger Chen

$4,000 should just about pay for three vintage Corona typewriters, import a few boxes of Cuban cigars, and develop a drinking habit worthy of Hemingway, Fitzgerald and Hammett, in the hopes of proving the ghost of Edgar Allen Poe wrong when he visits me nightly in the guise of a raven and squawks, “Nevermore will you finish your thirteenth screenplay!”

David White

It is necessary to not only privilege but also amplify transgender voices and allow us to claim our rightful seat at the table.

Ilana Garcia-Mittleman

Because I've learned more from losing the last competition than I ever would have winning, but I'm back with refined grit, focus, and purpose to pen a black centered romantic comedy in the same universal vein as "Sleepless" in Seattle", "When Harry Met Sally", "Always Be My Maybe", and "The Half Of It". #GameOn

Kaylord Hill

I should win so that the world can finally know how hilariously sad it is, to be in love with another man while being an Indian male student desperate for a green card.

Harsha Gullapalli

An unusual upbringing mixed with my life long love of film has given me a unique perspective.

Kumyl Saied






对许多编剧来说,时局艰难。但对这100名入围剧本创作半决赛的编剧们来说,终于可以松一口气了! 我们发起了SoCreate编剧激励计划,目的为一名当之无愧的编剧提供一个千载难逢的机会:一整月的有偿创作。SoCreate编剧激励计划的获胜者将利用30天的时间来完成一个长篇剧本,我们会为其提供4000美元的奖励,用来支付费用,确保他后顾无忧,可以专注地进行创作。而现在……我们的半决赛选手已经产生了!超过1000名编剧申请了SoCreate编剧激励计划,并用一句话说明了他们为什么应该获奖。编剧可以赢得奖金。我们从申请的名单中随机挑选了100位编剧。看看你是否被选中!接下来,...


在我们启动SoCreate’s Screenwriter Stimulus新剧本创作大赛之前,我们想知道:我们的比赛对编剧们有帮助吗?这是我们举办大赛的首要目标,其次才是对SoCreate做推广宣传。为了弄清楚这个问题,我们采访了最近的比赛冠军扎卡里·罗威尔(Zachary Rowell)。扎卡里是我们在2019年底举办的“So, Write Your Bills Away”的获胜者,如今距离他获得这项荣誉已经快一年了。我们帮他付了三个月的账单,这样他就可以有更多的时间用于创作。你知道吗?这证明是有成效的!听了扎卡里最近的进展,我深受鼓舞,因为我们为他支付的奖金也促进了他的成功。这就是我们举办创作大赛的原因。这是一次非常好的见证 ...