发表于 撰稿人 阿里·昂格尔(Alli Unger)


奥斯卡影季正全面展开。1月23日(星期二),学院主席约翰·贝里(John Bailey)以及演员蒂芙尼·哈迪什(Tiffany Haddish)和安迪·瑟基斯(Andy Serkis)宣布了第90届奥斯卡金像奖的提名。感受着提名带来的热闹非凡和兴奋,看着大屏幕一一展示的剪辑影片,你难道不会为此欢欣鼓舞吗?千万别错过!请阅读以下2018年奥斯卡提名的10部剧本,并获得提名的剧本。抓住机会赶快下载吧。

第90届奥斯卡金像奖将由吉米·坎摩尔(jimmy Kimmel)主持,并将于3月4日(星期日)由美国广播公司播出。


拉里·L·金(Larry L. King)

专家提醒: 阅读高质量的剧本是提高剧本写作技巧的好方法。


  1. 《大病》(The Big Sick)

    艾米丽·V·戈登(Emily V. Gordon)和库梅尔·南贾尼(Kumail Nanjiani)的

The Big Sick Script Snippet


Listen. I understand. You're in America. You wanna mow a few lawns and see what it's like. But eventually you have to marry a Pakistani girl. Like I hung out with other girls. But then I married Fatima. We hardly spoke two words to each other the first few months! But now, Kumi, she's like my best friend. You have to break up with her immediately. 


If I find someone who's as good for me as Fatima is for you, Mom would understand, right? I mean, she wouldn't love me less? 


She would definitely love you less. Slowly, you'd sort of -- what's the word when guys stop returning girls' calls? 





(dead serious)

You have to end it now or Mom will ghost you.

  1. 《逃出绝命镇》(Get Out)

    乔丹·皮尔(Jordan Peele)

Get Out Script Snippet

Chris wakes up bald. Static snow clicks fills the TV lighting the room. The image clicks to that of...

Int. Hospital Room - Day (Television)

Jim Hudson, also shaven, sits on a hospital bed. And faces Chris through the television.


Hello Chris. How's it going...? You can answer. There's an intercom in the room; I can hear you. 


I need water.


Yeah, sorry about that. If it makes you feel any better, I'm thirsty too.


I need to get outta here.


Right. So, the reason I am talking to you now is so you can understand what is happening to you. I guess your 'understanding' it raises the success rate of this whole thing. Not even sure I 'understand' it.

  1. 《伯德小姐》(Lady Bird)

    格蕾塔·葛韦格(Greta Gerwig)的

Lady Bird Script Snippet

Father Leviatch runs auditions - there is something funny and depressed about him. An overweight woman, Miss Patty, accompanies on the piano when needed. 

A boy, Greg, is up. He has a big voice for such a tiny boy:



CUT TO Father Leviatch calling out from his clipboard:

Father Leviatch

Okay, Christine?

Lady Bird

Lady Bird.

Father Leviatch

Is that your given name?

Lady Bird


Father Leviatch

Why is it in quotes?

Lady Bird

Well I gave it to myself. It's given. To me, by me. 

CUT TO Lady Bird singing her song:

  1. 《水形物语》(The Shape of Water)

    吉尔莫·德尔·托罗(Guillermo Del Toro)和瓦内莎·泰勒(Vanessa Taylor)的

The Shape of Water Script Snippet

Int. Elisa's Apartment / River Footage - Night

We float at the bottom of a river. Surrounded by water. 

Fish swim away. Debris floating in the water-

And, then, a lamp floats by-

A coffee pot-

A shoe.

Giles / Narrator

If I spoke about it- If I did- what would I tell you about the time...? It happened a long time ago- in the last days of a fair Prince's reign... Or would I tell you about the place? A small city near the coast but far from everything else... Or would I tell you about her? The princess without voice... 


Or perhaps I would just warn you of the about the truth of these facts and the tale of love and loss and the monster that tried to destroy it all.

  1. 《三块广告牌》(Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri

    马丁·麦克唐纳(Martin McDonagh)自编自导的

Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri Script Snippet

Ext. Billboard Road - Day

MILDRED HAYES, a woman in her early 50's, driving along a country road, passes an old billboard, roadside. Whatever advert was on it is long since faded and torn. MILDRED drives on, to a second billboard a few hundred feet along the road. 

She notices this one a little more, though its old adverts are equally ramshackle. She slows to a stop. 

After looking up at the billboard a while, she slowly reverses and stops at the first, then at all three, stretching away to the quiet horizon. 

Makes a mental note of "EBBING BILLBOARD ADVERTISING," then drives on again, leaving the three old billboards alone like tombstones on the dusty road. 



  1. 《请以你的名字呼唤我》(Call Me by Your Name)

    编剧:詹姆斯·伊沃里(James Ivory)

Call Me By Your Name Script Snippet

Int. Elio's / Oliver's Room - Perlman Villa - Day

The sound of an approaching car. ELIO, 17, barefoot and in his bathing suit, is in the process of moving his clothes from his room to the adjacent room - a wardrobe somehow refurbished into a single bedroom. The two rooms are separated by a ruined wooden door, with cracks all over it. MARZIA, a girl of about his same age, is lying on the bed. It is obvious both have been on it together. 

ELIO goes to the window and looks down. A car pulls up below, blowing up clouds of dust, and stops at the villa's main entrance. A young man steps out of the car, wearing a billowy bright blue shirt with a wide-open collar, sunglasses. This is OLIVER, 25. He is followed by the handy-man and gardener of the house ANCHISE. 


(in French)


(The usurper)

  1. 《灾难艺术家》(The Disaster Artist)

    编剧:斯考特·诺伊施塔特 (Scott Neustadter)和迈克尔·H·韦伯(Michael H. Weber)

The Disaster Artist Script Snippet

They stand there, together, a long beat.


Maybe we should make our own movie.

Isn't that a wild idea... But then his face changes. The wheels turning. Something occurs to him.


That great idea.

And we CUT TO:

Series of Shots: Tommy Gets to Work

A - Tommy draws the curtains for complete darkness.

We hear:

Tommy (v.o.)

So it all takes place in one room...

B - Tommy sets up a typewriter on a desk. He places his copy of "Streetcar Named Desire" next to it.

Tommy (v.o.)

Everybody's happy, life is perfect.

  1. 《金刚狼3:殊死一战》(Logan)

    编剧:斯科特·弗兰克(Scott Frank)、詹姆斯·曼高德(James Mangold)和迈克尔-格林(Michael Green)

Logan Script Snippet



He turns to face a DISHEVELED HISPANIC WOMAN, 35. She stands about twenty paces from THE BATTERED FIAT WITH ONE HEADLIGHT, wipers on. Logan eyes the woman, wild-eyed, dirty raincoat, gets a big whiff of "crazy."

Hispanic Woman

...I knew it was you. 

Logan moves past her, heads for his limo in line with others.

Hispanic Woman (Cont'd)

Please. I'm in trouble. You're the only one who can help. 

Logan looks at her as THE MOURNERS (his clients) come down the hill toward the line of black vehicles. 

Hispanic Woman (Cont'd)

Logan laughs as he pulls an umbrella from his trunk.


Don't we all.

  1. 《茉莉的牌局》(Molly's Game)

    编剧:艾伦·索金(Aaron Sorkin)

Molly's Game Script Snippet

Int. Viper Room Basement - A Moment Later

A stack of chips gets slapped on the table as an opening bet and in

a --

Series of Cuts

--we see cards being dealt, bets being raised, hands being folded, Molly making a vodka and Red Bull, the final card being flipped, hands, chips, cards, vodka and Red Bull etc.--

MOLLY's in the corner. She's standing at a small table with her laptop open, watching, listening and Googling. We push in on her slowly, cutting in the action of the game as we go, all the while hearing the thumping of the music from upstairs. 

Molly (v.o.)

I'd just finished counting out ninety-thousand dollars in cash. I was in a room with movie stars, directors, rappers, boxers and business titans. They were going all-in all the time, burning through their buy-ins over and over.

  1. 《泥土之界》(Mudbound)

    编剧:维吉尔·威廉斯(Virgil Williams)和迪·里斯(Dee Rees)

Mudbound Script Snippet

OVER BLACK we hear the distant rumbling of THUNDER.

Fade In:


Black eye. Cut lip. He looks like a beaten prize fighter who is dripping in sweat and mud. WIDEN TO REVEAL we are...

Ext. The Mcallan Farm - In a Hole - Day - Continuous

The ash colored storm clouds make it look like night. Jamie scrapes the muck off his shovel blade and resumes. The mud is so thick it's like digging into raw meat. 

A distant lightning flash accompanied by THUNDER. Jamie ups his urgency as he chops at the wet earth. An upside down face appears in the hole's opening. It's HENRY MCALLAN (Caucasian, late 40's), Jamie's salt-of-the-earth, older brother. Henry is a man of few words who rarely smiles. They speak with the lilting garble of the Mississippi Delta. 




Socreat观影日——《星球大战:最后的绝地战士》(Star Wars: The Last Jedi)观影之旅

上周五我们像往常一样开始了在Socreat的一天。早上,我们队员拿着咖啡,走到桌前,开始忙活我们的Socreat平台。开始的几个小时过得和往常一样,十点钟时,我们团队进了会议室,开始了我们的日常站会。在会上,我们分享了一下最近做的工作和项目的进展情况。站会快结束时,我们的总裁贾斯汀·库托(Justin Couto)宣布要过一个不一样的周五,今天不做日常工作,我们要一起去看最新的《星球大战:最后的绝地战士》。大家都非常的激动,用这样的方式 结束这一周真是太好了。在我们等着把东西送到车上,然后去电影院的那三十分钟,每个人都兴奋得几乎不能工作。即使星球大战的忠实粉丝在12个小时前已经看过了午夜首映...
SoCreate 2017年夏季旅行结束,在好莱坞标志前合影

SoCreate 2017夏末之旅
