Blog di sceneggiatura
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So, Join Us! The SoCreate Screenwriting Software Private Beta

The Future of Screenwriting is Upon Us graphic

Help us revolutionize the art of screenwriting!

Over the last few months, we have been blogging a lot about our amazing team and screenwriting tips and tricks. However, today, we would like to switch it up and share a bit more about our NEW SoCreate screenwriting software! 

Here at SoCreate, we have made it our mission to do things differently. Our screenwriting software is unlike any other available screenwriting software. Although most of the features are still under wraps until closer to the launch of our Private Beta, we can tell you this much. With our software, you will be able to: 

  • Easily manage your ENTIRE screenwriting project from inspiration to completion.

    Eliminate jumping between your brain, paper notes, and multiple programs. The SoCreate software allows you to do it all. From the moment you have your first idea, through the brainstorming process, the writing, the formatting, the editing, and the final product - you can do it all with us!

  • Forget the frustrations you've experienced with existing software.

    Some other software can sure be complicated and frustrating to use, but we are here to keep it simple. Everything from our user interface to our policies and procedures will be fun and easy to use. We pride ourselves on our ability to deliver our writers a clean, clear, and elegant software!

  • Allow your creativity to flow in a new, unbounded way!

    You, the writers, are our guides and inspiration through this entire journey. In our research, we have worked closely with screenwriters just like you to understand varying processes and design our software to serve the needs of screenwriters of all skill levels. It's time to stop letting software boundaries dictate how we write, and start letting our ideas take the reins!

We are in the process of building up our Private Beta list. Although our software is not quite ready for launch, we are planning to release our first rounds of beta soon. 

Don't miss out! Help us revolutionize the way screenplays are written. Get the earliest possible access to our software by joining our beta list today.

We want perspective and feedback from as many writers as possible, so please tell your friends, family, and colleagues who also love to write all about us! Help us bring SoCreate to the world today!

Want more updates and news from SoCreate? Follow us on social media using one of the links below. 

Cheers to you, writers!

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