发表于 撰稿人 考特尼·梅兹纳里奇(Courtney Meznarich)

SoCreate Expands Its Outreach Team with Intern Athena Pruett

Athena Pruett in front of SoCreate logo wall

One might say Athena Pruett is already an entertainment expert, so she fits in perfectly with the creative powerhouses on our Outreach team here at SoCreate! Athena will be interning with SoCreate to expand our outreach work within the writing community.

Athena grew up on the stage and still spends most of her time in the dance studio. And I, for one, am thrilled to have another dancer in my (virtual) midst. Having also been born with jazz hands, I know that dancers are trained in the craft of discipline, encouragement, and appreciation for other artists. It’s a perfect combination of skills for the work she’ll be doing to root on the writing community and support them however we can as a company.

But there’s another critical connection that makes me excited to have Athena on the team. She’s the daughter of our Chief of Operations Amy Pruett, so she has seen first-hand what we’re working on over here at SoCreate, and our values are already instilled in her.

“I observed SoCreate grow for many years, and I am overjoyed to become part of the team!” she told me. “SoCreate has such a dedication to the mission. Being immersed in this team that strives for big results is a great opportunity to learn and create.”

Learn and create, she will! As we get closer to launching private beta trials for SoCreate Screenwriting Software, Athena will be working on projects that help us spread the word about the revolution headed toward screenwriters around the globe.

And, if I allow her to take a break (just kidding, we totally value work-life balance here at SoCreate), she said she’ll be spending her free time swimming in the ocean or taking advantage of one of San Luis Obispo County’s many beautiful hikes. It is a perk of the job to have these natural wonders in our backyard.

So, what are you waiting for? Check out SoCreate’s open positions so you, too, can get in on this awesomeness. You’ll be joining a team that’s about to change the future of storytelling as we know it.

Shuffle off to Buffalo with us,


邓肯·吉吉木(Duncan Gichimu)

邓肯·吉吉木(Duncan Gichimu)加入了SoCreate终身学习小组

SoCreate继续致力于壮大其软件工程师人才队伍,最近邓肯·吉吉木(Duncan Gichimu)也加入了队伍。邓肯是毕业于全栈学院编码新兵训练营的优秀学员,他自高中起就在该训练营不断修炼技艺。因此SoCreate迫不及待发现了这块昆山之玉。全栈计划竞争激烈、压力山大,但这对邓肯并不陌生。他从青少年时期就致力于学习编码,高中毕业前他的黑人数据处理协会(BDPA)分会已荣获3次国家冠军。大学修完数学和经济学后,邓肯致力于电商创业,开启了职业生涯。厌倦了日复一日的工作流程,通过Python程序语言编写自动化日常办公系统,一度晋升为运营既自动化经理。“在我的办公室里有句座右铭...

大好消息:格兰特·怀宁(Grant Whiting)加入公司

爸爸、音乐家、长板冲浪者、丈夫。现在格兰特·怀宁又有了一个新的身份——SoCreate公司用户体验开发员!让我们以激动的心情来欢迎格兰特加入我们的团队。我们听说他也很高兴加入我们。“这个团队拥有丰富的行业知识。”格兰特说,“虽然我很高兴能对它有所贡献,但我想我将学到很多东西。” 大约五年前,格兰特参与了劳伦斯学院web开发项目的部分工作,开始走上了软件工程的道路。在从事完整的开发项目之前,他曾为当地企业设计网站。现在,他仍然喜欢在空闲时间为当地企业创建网站。“我也喜欢弹吉他和长板冲浪,或者为我妻子搭建生意的展台。”格兰特和妻子的空闲时间可能很快就会减少...
SoCreate壁画前的Holly Capp


是的,你没看错。虽然全球疫情仍然严重,但SoCreate仍在招聘。我们不能错过任何一位有识之士,比如我们新招聘的用户体验设计师——霍莉·卡普(Holly Capp)。更有意思的是,她与SoCreate的缘分实际上要追溯到2019年。还记得那一年吗?唷,这几个月真有意思!去年年底,我们的创始人贾斯汀·库托先在LinkedIn上联系的霍莉(建议及时更新你的LinkedIn信息,SoCreate也是通过这种方式找到我的!)她的简历给贾斯汀留下了深刻的印象。她的简历中包含了美国纽约州立大学奥斯威戈分校的平面设计学士学位、家庭和办公产品设计以及J. Carroll Screen Printing & Embroidery ...